
Orbit's Travel Blog - 09.02.2022.

A day in Valencia with the family: Valencia survival guide

If you're travelling to Valencia, and if you have kids or toddlers (or even babies), there's nothing more important than knowing where to go and what to do. These are our best tips for a perfect day out in Valencia!

There is no better place than Valencia if you are travelling with your family. And why? Valencia has it all: beaches, parks and great food. That's pretty much everything you need to make your trip perfect, right? Well, almost everything. There's the planning... Planning is everything. Especially if you're travelling with kids, toddlers, babies, or even teenagers. The best advice we can give you is to plan!  

If you are travelling with another family - this is a tricky one - consult and discuss everything in advance - especially the time you spend apart - you will need it, trust us! If you are the only travelling parent, you may need the other parent's consent to travel abroad with your child. Get it!

If you're planning to rent a car, make sure to request a child seat from the car rental company when you make your reservation if your child is under 150 cm tall.

Planning to spend time at the beach with your kids? Buy a beach tent! We could go on and on, but every child has their own needs, just as we are all unique in our needs. And we're here to talk about a special trip - Valencia in a day with kids.

The Valencia city sign

Valencia with children - a guide to activities and places to go

Valencia offers plenty of activities for families. We've made a list of all the things you should see when you visit Valencia with the kids. You can even check the approximate time you will spend at each place. You can find a paradise for kids at the following places in Valencia:

Bioparc Valencia

Great ZOO, which is neither too small nor too big. Suitable for little legs that get tired quickly, but just enough for your little one to get tired, so you can enjoy your coffee in peace. Plan on two hours here.

Parque Gulliver

This playground is not to be missed. A Gulliver is captivated by the Lilliputians. Parque Gulliver is every kid's dream. This massive structure with numerous slides and stairs is surreal and cute at the same time. Plan to spend at least an hour at this place.


If your child is a Nemo fan, this is a must-visit. The largest aquarium in Europe. More than 45,000 species from the sea: belugas, penguins, seals and sharks live here. Your child will meet Bruce and Anchor or even sleep with them (in case you forgot the names of the sharks from Finding Nemo ). Yes, you heard right, sleeping with sharks is another activity this great aquarium offers - for those who have fallen in love with Valencia (which isn't hard) and are ready to extend their one-day trip. All you need are sleeping bags and mosquito repellent. Read more about this activity here.

Off to the beach

La Malvarrosa is a typical family beach with plenty of activities including a playground, volleyball, showers, parking, shops and restaurants.

Finding a quiet beach is quite a challenge these days. The best-unspoilt beach near Valencia is La Garrofera - secluded with not many facilities - so don't forget to pack juices and snacks.

A fish in Valencia beach

Family-friendly restaurants in Valencia | Child-proof restaurants

Our final mission is to find the best family-friendly restaurants in Valencia. Whether you're a first-time parent or not, parenting is a full-time job. You have to supervise all sorts of activities; it starts with crawling and running, goes to bumping into table corners and ends with jumping and running.

When you have to supervise all that and eat at the same time, you know for sure that you have become a parent. That's when you won't be able to remember the last time you had a quiet or romantic dinner with your partner. Welcome to the "exhausted parent club." Tiredness and irritability are part of any parenting style :) And because we understand your grief, we'll do our best to help you have a reasonably "pacifist" dinner. Here are the top 3 family-friendly restaurants in Valencia where you and your kids will have fun.

Sorsi e Morsi

Is your kid a fan of spaghetti? Then you should take him here. This place has the best spaghetti in town and also a gluten-free version of almost everything. And last but not least - friendly and patient staff.

Pizzeria Acqua e Ferina

Tip from the expert: take your kids out for pizza. Who doesn't like pizza? And Acqua e Ferina pizzeria makes the best pizzas in the world.

El Rus

When you already know that there's no way your kid is going to sit still, you need simple and friendly service. That's why you need to go to El Rus. Delicious food and reasonable prices. 

A family dining out in Valencia

And here comes our last advice: enjoy, have fun, relax and unwind. You are on holiday!


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