Most of the time, we travel in the company of other people - loved ones, parents, families, friends, or like-minded strangers. But those who have chosen to travel alone say that this kind of journey is almost like a spiritual journey. Something happens when you're all alone in a foreign land. Something mature, wild and strong comes out of you and shows you the way. Wouldn't you say that sometimes you need a guiding star like that? Wouldn't you need a stronger you to get you up and moving? If you
Top 5 tips for solo travel
Open yourself up
No, we don't think it's wise to just talk to and trust everyone, but travelling alone can sometimes be a bit lonely if you don't want to let your guard down a bit. Meeting new people can be one of the best parts of travelling alone, but don't be afraid to end the conversation or explain your limitations to people who are too pushy.

Be prepared
Sure, especially if you travel often, running around doesn't cause as much stress anymore, but we often don't realize how much help we get from our travel companions, even if we're the ones taking care of all the important things. Make a checklist, double-check it, make a good itinerary, explore the internet for travel tips for the intended area, stash your money in different places and so on. If you are going to explore an exotic country without technology, ask your friend to call you at a specific hotel or travel agency at the exact time so they know you are okay. Also, you can ask your friend for a crisis kit if needed.

Money. That's one thing...
What would we say if we could give you advice on how to travel alone? Don't run out of money. In case something happens, if you get robbed, your luggage gets lost, or you just find the best possible gift for yourself, you have 200 euros stashed under the sole of your shoe. Maybe you'll never use it. And maybe it will be much more worth it.
Rent a car!
If you're a driver, you know how much a car can mean to you. It's always (well, almost always) there for you, providing comfort and protection when you need it. You can stash everything you need in the trunk - from maps and binoculars to water, food, blankets and tools. If needed, it can be your bed or safety room.
But most importantly, a car is your best travel companion. It can take you where you want to go, it can show you hidden places, it gives you the freedom you need and independence. Here you can find great tips on how to minimize rental car costs. We also have great tips on how to prepare for smooth car hire. Just make sure you are prepared with International Drivers Licence or DVLA License if needed.
Know what you want
You'd be surprised how often we do nothing at all on our travels, but we don't realize it because we're in good company. Just talking or looking at the moon can be quality time when travelling with your partner. But when you're travelling around the world alone, these types of experiences can be a bit different. If you want to look at the moon, by all means, do it! But just staring at the stars because you have no idea what you'd like to do can be a bit depressing. Use this time to find out new things about yourself. Put yourself to the test, challenge yourself, and try new things. This journey is your gift to yourself. Make the most of it.
Don't be afraid to be bored
Yes, you will be bored at times, but that is the greatest luxury of our time. When we sit in silence and just let our minds run wild, extraordinary things happen. During this time, our brain is more active than when we are talking, driving or dancing. If you're not used to being alone, this can be a little challenging for you at first, but you'll find that you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly.